Friday, September 6, 2013

Math Centers (and how they saved my life) Kidding. But only kind of....

Ahhhhh math.  It happens at the time of the day when we are all a little (ah-hem) tired.  Lunch has been eaten, we have relaxed for read aloud and then BAM! It's time for math and time to get our brains back in gear.  That can be hard.  Even for the teacher!  So, this year we have been trying something new.  Math Centers.  So far, I am in love!  We start our math time with me teaching the lesson and main concept to the whole class.  This takes 20 to 25 minutes.  Then, we break into our groups.  Every student gets to go to each center each day.  It keeps things moving and there isn't time to get bored or too far off task!  Our 3 centers are:

Teacher Time:  This is where students get to practice the concepts of the lesson in a small group with me.

Another center students rotate to is called Lesson Work.  This is where they do a review Math Box page from their math book.  This is done independently or with our para, Mrs. Vogt.  Once kids are done with the page and have checked it, they have been playing math games.  This week we have played addition Top-it.

Students playing Top-it.

The favorite center by far is the iPad center!  Students have been practicing their math facts on the Xtra Math website.  When they are done, they can play a math game on Hooda Math.  It is amazing how quiet this center is as everyone is totally engaged.

So, there you have it!  A peek into our math time in the afternoon.

Starting next week, we will be practicing our multiplication facts and taking a timed test on Fridays.  I'm glad we have fact practice built into our day.  I think that will really help the kids master their facts faster this year!

Until next time,
Mrs. Lafferty

Science Fun

We have been studying the scientific method in preparation for starting our unit on water next week.  To practice the steps in the scientific method, we did a few fun experiments!  Here are a few pictures of our experiment with water, pepper and dish soap.  It is called "Pepper Freak-out"!  Ask your kiddo if they can tell you what Quick Hide My Piece Of Candy stands for.  If they can't remember, I'll tell you the answer at the end of this post....:)

First, we gathered our supplies:

Then, we sprinkled pepper all over in the water.

Next, we had a brave soul put the q-tip of dish soup in the water...!

 We were all amazed as the pepper "freaked out" and ran away from the soap!

I wish I had taken pictures of the first experiment we did.  We used milk, food coloring and dish soap.  The milk ran away from the dish soap and make the food coloring into a tie-die awesome creation on our plate.  It was pretty cool!  You can try that one at home with your kiddo for fun. :)

Mrs. Lafferty