How did the school year go so fast? It's hard to believe that I just entered my last grade in infinite campus and am thinking about our LAST DAY OF SCHOOL tomorrow! I handed back a paper today that the kids had written at the beginning of the year titled "What I Want Mrs. Lafferty To Know". If was fun to hear them making comments about their writing, spelling and drawing that they had done at the beginning of the year. They were able to see just how far they have come this year. You will have to check their backpacks to find a green page titled "What I Want My Parents To Know". I had them write about similar questions to the beginning of year...only now they are writing to YOU about how their year in 3rd grade!
We went to Heritage Park this afternoon to celebrate our last "points party" and also to celebrate all the words/books we have read this year! We had root beer floats and played a very sweaty game of volleyball. lol Mrs. Vogt was a great referee for our game. :) I am realizing right now that I didn't take my camera with me! I was more worried about getting there before the ice cream melted. oops! As a class, we read 695 books this year. That is almost 6 million words! How amazingly awesome.
Thank you for sharing your child with me this year. It has been a great adventure. I think our motto for the year is held true. "In this class we don't do EASY, we make EASY happen through HARD WORD and LEARNING!" We worked hard and learned a lot. I sent a summer "to do" list home today. It is glued to a blue folder. If you haven't seen it, there are only 4 things on it:
1. Read everyday (I sent home a scholastic news to start their summer reading)
2. Play everyday (This one shouldn't be hard!)
3. Practice math facts (I told them about how I had been running and how it was easy to do a 5k when I had been practicing. But, now that I haven't been running everyday, it would be a hard race for me to complete!) I want them to be able to say "these are easy" to their math facts on the first day of school next year.
4. Write. I told my class that if they want to share any of their summer writing with me in google drive, I would love to read it and comment back!
We had a special time at the end of the day today sharing compliment cards with each other. This was my favorite part of the day. I love seeing the smiles that a compliment from each classmate brings to every kiddo. I loved reading their compliments to me as well. I will miss these kiddos!
Enjoy your summer, and as always....happy reading!
Mrs. Lafferty