Monday, October 20, 2014

First Quarter Wrap-up

I can't believe that the first quarter of school flew by so fast!  I am so sorry that this is my first blog post of the year...Where has the time gone? I am going to highlight a few of the things that we did this first quarter, and make a resolution to blog more often second quarter. :)

Every morning we start our day by practicing our fluency.  We each have a yellow folder with a new story each week.  Partners whisper read for one minute each and then graph how many words correct per minute they read.  The same story is read all week, so the more we practice the more words in a minute we are reading!  Here is a little video of our whisper reading....

(So sorry...blogger isn't letting me upload my video tonight.  I will try again!) 

The more we read, the better we get!

Third grade is the focus grade for ipads at the elementary.  Ms. Hanson will be coming to our room every other week to lead us in lessons on how to use different apps in the classroom!  Our first lesson was on how to use the QR code scanner.  We did some research on Ben Franklin, who is a central character in our 39 Clues book that we are reading for read aloud.  It was fun to see how quick the kids caught on how to do this!

We also used the QR code scanner to check our math problems as we review subtraction with borrowing.  We used the structure Sage and Scribe.  One student had to tell the other exactly what to write down on their white board to solve the problem.  When they were done, they scanned the QR code to check their work!  Cool!

Last Thursday we traveled to the Arboretum with Kindergarten to help them do their seasonal observations.  It was our job to be coaches and helpers, and the kids had a great time!  We will be going back in the Winter and the Spring to document how nature changes from season to season.  

Happy Reading!
Mrs. Lafferty

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