Thursday, October 24, 2013

Technology in the Classroom

It was a pretty exciting day yesterday!  Mrs. Hansen came to help us finish getting logged on to the laptops!  She came last week to get us started, but we ran out of time.  Yesterday we learned how to log on to our computers, and then, log in to our google accounts!  Now we are all set up and ready start doing projects and some assignments on the computer.  Mrs. Hansen and I will have to do some brainstorming about what those projects will look like, but that's why she is the computer guru.  I can ask her for advice and she always has awesome ideas.

One thing that is very exciting for me as a teacher is google drive.  Once kids are logged into their google account, they can create a document (which could be their writing story) and send it to me!  I can make comments, suggestions and even changes in real time to their work.  Mrs. Hansen had a student send me a test document yesterday, and we were all amazed at how I could type ON his paper from my computer!  Mind blowing.  AND, google drive saves their work every 5 seconds, so no more lost writing!  *(On a side note, part of the kiddos login is their graduation year.  This is the class of 2023.  Can you believe that?! Let's see, in 2023 I will be....nope.  Not going there.  lol!)  

We are encouraging kids to use their keyboarding skills and type with ALL their fingers as they put in their username and password.  This will help them develop good habits and be able to type faster in the future.  I'm sure all of you parents out there know how important efficient keyboarding skills are!  I think there will even come a time in the near future when our students are asked to type answers to questions on the state assessments, even here at the elementary.  So, it's good to start off with learning to type the right way. :)

Here as some pictures of us at work:

I have to brag on my kids a bit.  They did an AWESOME job of listening and following the directions while Mrs. Hansen was explaining how to do all of this.  I was so proud of them!

Happy Reading!
Mrs. Lafferty

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